Optimizing Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Mechanics

Building the Foundations of Prosthetic Foot Emulation

Product Details

  • Academia
  • Healthcare
  • NSF Award and NIH Award

The Platform

  • Full-Sized Caplex System
  • Custom Ankle-Foot Prostheses
  • Custom GUI, Custom Controller

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About Project

Before there was Caplex, developers of prosthetic foot technologies had no choice but to build prototype after prototype in the pursuit of perfection. In 2010, Josh Caputo, Steve Collins, and Peter Adamczyk came together and began to build an emulation paradigm that today is enabling researchers, developers, and clinician scientists around the world to iterate on prosthetic foot design parameters more quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Proof-of-concept work at Carnegie Mellon University with 1- and 2-degree-of-freedom emulators paved the way for future development of a 3-degree-of-freedom emulator at Stanford University, Clinical Decision-Making with Caplex between Humotech and the DoD & VA, Demystifying Biarticular Actuation between Humotech and Vanderbilt University, and more!

Key Collaborators

Humotech Features

Not Safe for Work: Reducing Pain and Injury With Exoskeletons

In today’s workforce status quo, certain jobs inevitably come with a higher risk for bodily injury. Warehouse operators, construction workers, health care workers, agricultural workers, and many essential jobs require lifting, bending, and repetitive movement that can strain the back and body.

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